Pretty Sunsets

Dallas has had a lot of interesting sunsets lately. I don't know if it's because of all the cold fonts and warm fronts mixing together (we've gone from 40 degrees to 80+ degrees several times in the past few months), or if we've just had some pretty cloud formations.

Either way, when I've been able to see them, I've been rushing to get my camera. So I thought I'd post a few of them for you to enjoy. Sorry that a few of them are a little camera has been uncooperative lately.

I do apologize for my recent silence -- I'm just kind of in a gloomy stage and trying to figure out what I want out of life. Our whole team nearly lost our jobs last month, and though we're hanging on now, our contract is up for negotiations in May, which means we could be out the door then. I have a huge amount of student debt which, while I'm still in school, has a pretty reasonable interest rate, but I'm really really really terrified of unemployment right now. I feel like a lot of my life right now is playing "the waiting game" -- just waiting for something to happen. It's a weird feeling and I definitely don't like it.

In the meantime, I'm thinking about registering for a 5K in May. I haven't been running more than a mile and a half lately, but I think with 2 months' preparation I'll know whether or not my tendon can handle a 5K.

Anyway, enjoy the pics!

1 Comment:

  1. joyRuN said...
    Hang in there, Jess. I hope you get to run your 5K, & that things work out with your job.

    Great pics, too :)

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