No news lately, but I finally did load the rest of my Europe pics on the computer, so here they are! You can click them to make them bigger.

On the east side of the Eiffel tower

The Pantheon

Sunset view of the Trocadero from the lower level of the Eiffel tower

View from the Eiffel tower. The bright lights are from a tourist boat on the Seine.

Champ de Mars from the lower level of the Eiffel tower

Trocadero and Paris skyscrapers from the top of the Eiffel tower

Moulin Rouge windmill in Montmartre

Beneath the Eiffel tower

Typical view of the Eiffel tower

Pond in front of the Luxembourg palace

Jardin du Luxembourg, Paris

French flag and Eiffel tower from in front of the Pantheon

Really nice flowers in the Jardin du Luxembourg, Paris

Fountains in the Latin Quarter

Place du Terte in the shadow of the Sacre Coeur cathedral

Main square of Brussels, Belgium

Maastricht, Holland (or The Netherlands if you want to be official)

Cathedral (yep, that bell tower's pink) in Maastricht, Holland

A cheesy sign welcoming you to Germany

Ruins of a Castle in Esch-sur-Sure, Luxembourg

Luxembourg Countryside

Picnic table with Bourscheid Castle in the distance (Luxembourg)

View from Bourscheid Castle (Luxembourg)

Bourscheid castle with spooky mist

More ruins at Bourscheid Castle

Bourscheid Castle ruins...the trash can kinda kills the "ancient" feeling, but oh well

Old bridge at Luxembourg City

Beautiful Vianden Castle (Luxembourg)

The medieval town of Vianden, with the castle on the hill

"Go ahead, touch the crown. Touch it. I dare you."

The Louvre, Paris


  1. joyRuN said...
    Lovely, Jess. As soon as I recover from the throes of raging envy from your last pics, you post new ones!

    You got room in your suitcase for a stow-away mother the next time?
    Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...
    You can click them to make them bigger. ...

    Click your OWN "pictures" to make them bigger! What do I look like? Your whoo-wer?

    Nice pix.

    Too bad you had to spoil it with you cheesy come-on.

    "Click them to make them bigger" indeed! Harrumph! Well, I never!
    Jess said...
    @joy -- I can fit you in my suitcase, but you gotta pay the checked luggage fee for me. The airline fees are starting to drive me nuts. $7 for a "snack box" of a few grapes and crackers with fake cheese. Insanity! I should have just purchased some booze for that price.

    @ G -- I had to add that for certain members of my family who are not Blogger-savvy. Next time I will borrow your classic literary style and add a footnote humbly begging your pardon for my cheesy come-on. Deal?

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