Only in Texas...

Thursday, January 22
Ran: 1 mile
Walked: 4 miles
Biked: 20 minutes

Only in Texas can the temperature be in the 30s one night, and then rise to nearly 80 the next day. That's how Wednesday night and Thursday was. By Thursday night, it had cooled a little and felt PERFECT. It was awesome running weather, and it inspired me to bike to the track and take a long walk, in addition to my mile run.

I know "one mile" sounds like I'm a serious wuss, and I wholeheartedly admit that I am. But this time I want to be super careful of my Achilles tendons and not overdo it. Even though my mind and lungs are peer-pressuring me to run three miles, my tendons are not so thrilled with the idea. So the mile is good for now. My tendons ARE a little creaky and tight, but their complaints are more like those of grouchy old men and not true aches and pains.

So anyway, I was running along the track, and just finished my first lap when I was blinded by police lights. A cop had stopped a car right near the track. This was odd, because the track is next to a small middle school in the middle of a large residential area. The PO-lice don't usually set their speed-traps in the middle of a residential area, so this was surprising.

Anyway, the lady at the wheel of the car that got pulled over looked SUPER embarrassed. She was slunk down kind of low in her seat, and I got a glimpse of that expression that we all know so well. It reads, Damn it all to hell. Caught in my own neighborhood. I hope the head of the PTA or that snooty neighbor don't happen to be driving past and see this, because with my luck, that's EXACTLY what will happen. Will he let me off with a warning? Should I try my puppy-dog face on him? Should I cry? No, wait, crying never works. Dammit, I really should have bought that "We Back the Blue" bumper sticker from that fundraiser. Maybe if he knew I donated three bucks to the police, he'd let me off with only a warning.

And all the while, for 15 minutes, the seizure-inducing lights were twirling. It annoyed me probably more than the lady in the car because everytime I rounded the corner of the track I was blinded and stayed blinded for that entire side of the track. WHY do they have to keep the lights on the whole time? I mean, really. The point of the lights is to alert the driver to pull over. Once the driver is pulled over, what purpose do the lights serve, other than to harrass the driver and point to the scene like a giant neon-lit arrow that reads "LAW-BREAKER HERE!!! COME CHECK OUT THE CRIMINAL, FOLKS!!!"

Anyway, I guess I've been lucky because I haven't been pulled over in awhile, even though I'm a lead-foot. I haven't had to deal with the annoyance of having to sit and drum your fingernails on the steering wheel and wonder if you could go colorblind from the whirling maniacal disco lights and, if you do go colorblind, if you have grounds to sue. It's been awhile since I've had to deal with that, but I'm sure the minute I post this on my blog, I'll get pulled over.

Karma's a bitch, right?

Have a great weekend everybody!


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