So I've been in Paris for less than 24 hours and have noted the following:
  • French people should never rap. Not in English, and especially not in French. French is a romance language. You can't be trying to cram a beautiful romance language into a gangsta rap song about b#tches n' ho'z. I've heard French rap blaring from tons of cars and it's silly.
  • Somebody actually tried to steal my sandwich. Not my camera, not my money, not my sandwich. (I don't know why. Aside from the cheese, it wasn't that great.)
  • It is possible to get lost even when travelling in a complete circle around the Arc de Triomphe. I won't name names. (Cough, my defense, the damn street signs here are impossible to read!!)
  • Drunken young Frenchmen congregate around the Trocadero park on Saturday night. They like to grab random American girls, overpower us, kiss us on the cheek, and shout Obama's praises.
  • I have an unhealthy obsession with photographing the Eiffel tower. Seriously, I need to stop.

Views from my hotel room:

The Arc de Triomphe (about a 10 minute walk from my hotel)

Eiffel Tower at night

Eiffel Tower sparkling

In the shadow of a cool statue:

I'll upload some more pics when I get a chance. As you can see my camera sucks at makes everything I'll try to get some good daytime shots.


  1. Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...
    ZOMG, sister! Teh Eiffel Tower with a statue of a stallion of some sort in the forefront? I thought Paris was Teh City of Light not Teh City of Phallic Symbols!

    Now that I know the truth, i definitely have to go there! Light - pffttt! You can find THAT anywhere!

    But a really good phallus?


    Nice pix, sister! Enjoy your Phallic scenery while you can!
    joyRuN said...
    Wait, what?! You got GP defiling your comments now??

    Love the pics - and I'm sooo jealous of your travels!

    Enjoy, & watch our for those sandwich stealers!
    I Run for Fun said...
    I love the pics!!!

    So, how many of those kisses did you get?
    Jess said...
    A lot of people say the Eiffel Tower, the very symbol of Paris, is also a phallic it seems the whole city is awash in phalli.

    And he only managed one kiss before I elbowed him in the...phallus.

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