OK, OK, I'm 25 years old, so I don't *really* get grounded anymore.


No, this time I'm talking about being grounded by my injuries. Definite Achilles tendonitis in my right leg, and probable Achilles tendonitis in my left leg, and the start of runner's knee in my left leg. I haven't been to a sports doc yet, but those are what the symptoms are screaming. I've done some light jogging a few times over the past few weeks, but the pain never goes away.

So I moped around about it for awhile. I hate having the will and the heart to do something when I'm injured. If I'm injured, why can't I be unmotivated too, and go back to my couch-potato-y ways? I don't know why, but I can't be lazy again. I just can't.

So I went out and bought a bike. OK, nothing fancy kids, just a cheap-o bike from the local Wally world. As long as I pedal with my heel, it shouldn't bother my Achilles tendons too much, and that way I can keep in half-ass shape while I wait for my running days to come again.

This purchase also has me inspired about a possible triathlon in the coming years. Biking and running, check. Swimming? Well, I'm no Michael Phelps, but I can try. (Did anyone see him on the cover of GQ this month? They tried to make him look like quite gangsta. I'm sorry, but Michael Phelps ain't no brutha, ain't no way, no how.) Anyway, yeah, the swimming would be a problem, but in the meantime I'm just going to try to bike a little every day and wait for my tendons and knee to calm down. Let me dream, anyway!

So long, 5K in December....Maybe I can walk it, but even that might not be great for my tendons.

In the meantime, if you see that crazy girl on the cheap purple bike crashing incessantly into sidewalk stop signs and telephone poles in the greater Dallas area.....do me a favor and politely put that snide smile elsewhere.


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