Tendon Problems

On Monday I ran 2 miles and walked about 1.5, but my left Achilles tendon was giving me a lot of trouble afterward. I iced it down but that just seemed to intensify the pain, so I knew it wasn't just a little problem. It definitely hurts to walk on. While I think it's just a strain and nothing TOO drastically serious, I'm not going to run on it for a week. This will set me back a lot in the 5K preparations, but I'm not going to mess around with potential injuries. The worst thing you can do if you're starting out running (like me) is to push yourself too far, too fast and end up with an injury. I'm trying to avoid that at all costs. So I'll probably walk the 5K route again this Sunday and try running a mile or so on Monday and see how I feel. In the meantime, I'm icing it every night and taking it easy. If I miss the 5K in December because of this, then so be it. The important thing is to not get injured.

So nothing really new to report to day, although I am including a photo of the beautiful sunset we had here in DFW tonight. A cold front is moving in and I for one am excited. I like the cold....I like fires in the fireplace, wearing hoodies and gloves, ice days so the office is closed down....


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