Shocking, I know, but true.
Well, my birthday was on Wednesday and I can't say it was super great. I feel like my quarter-life crisis is just getting worse instead of better. I'm now 26, and I cringe to have to say it. It sounds like an age where you have to be so freaking responsible. Many people who are 26 are married and have kids and it weirds me out. NOT that I'm needing kids any time soon....but it still weirds me out.
Anyway, I had double-duty birthday cake -- at home and at the office -- and I'm feeling like bloat city. Plus there's all this holiday chocolate everywhere, and I have zero willpower.
Have you ever wondered why the things we love to eat so much are SO FREAKING FATTENING? (Well, if you're a woman, of course you have. That was a stupid question.) I mean seriously....why can't we all just LOVE broccoli? And artichokes? Why can't we be like..."Birthday cake? Heck no, I want me some birthday broccoli. Some nice birthday beets, with candles on top."
Why can't life be that way? Why do we celebrate important moments in our year (like birthday and Christmas) with so much fattening, unhealthy food? Why can't we magically change the taste of gross vegetables into birthday cake and chocolate....yet still keep all their healthy, unfattening, good-for-you veggie properties?
Also, the 5K was yesterday. I missed it. I was happily in bed, no doubt dreaming of eating more birthday cake. I considered going to walk it, but I had a vet appointment for my cat at 10, so there wouldn't be enough time. (Kitty-cat saves the day, I guess.)
I'm not happy. I'm not proud of myself. I thought by now I would be on my way to being healthier, more fit, and looking and feeling better. Instead, I'm a birthday-cake-eating fool with an injured tendon and a quarter-life crisis. I'm getting into my "I hate Dallas" phase again, and that's never good. That kind of mentality often leads to last-minute "escape this damn metroplex" weekend trips that I can't ever afford yet take anyway, to much chagrin later on when I check my credit card balance.
I'm thinking New Orleans, next weekend :) Who's in?
don't worry though, you can get back on track after the holidays.
happy birthday btw!